Olympic Summer GamesParis 2024Swimming(100m Butterfly - Men)HeatPerformance: 53.83Result: 6Placed: 32 of 40Swimming(100m Freestyle - Men)HeatPerformance: 49.24Result: 6Placed: 31 of 79
Commonwealth GamesBirmingham 2022Swimming(100m Freestyle - Men)Semi-FinalsPerformance: 49.89Result: 7Placed: 12 of 71Gap: 1.35HeatsPerformance: 50.21 QResult: 5Gap: 1.67Swimming(200m Freestyle - Men)HeatsPerformance: 1:50.35Result: 6Placed: 20 of 38Gap: 3.48Swimming(50m Backstroke - Men)Semi-FinalsPerformance: 25.76Result: 7Placed: 13 of 45Gap: 0.94HeatsPerformance: 25.67 QResult: 4Gap: 0.72Swimming(50m Butterfly - Men)FinalPerformance: 23.27Result: 3Placed: 3 of 55Gap: 0.46Semi-FinalsPerformance: 23.58 QResult: 4Gap: 0.52HeatsPerformance: 24.02 QResult: 5Gap: 0.38Swimming(50m Freestyle - Men)Semi-FinalsPerformance: 22.77Result: 6Placed: 15 of 72Gap: 1.14HeatsPerformance: 23.00 QResult: 5Gap: 0.58
Swimming(100m Freestyle - Men)Semi-FinalsPerformance: 49.89Result: 7Placed: 12 of 71Gap: 1.35HeatsPerformance: 50.21 QResult: 5Gap: 1.67
Swimming(50m Backstroke - Men)Semi-FinalsPerformance: 25.76Result: 7Placed: 13 of 45Gap: 0.94HeatsPerformance: 25.67 QResult: 4Gap: 0.72
Swimming(50m Butterfly - Men)FinalPerformance: 23.27Result: 3Placed: 3 of 55Gap: 0.46Semi-FinalsPerformance: 23.58 QResult: 4Gap: 0.52HeatsPerformance: 24.02 QResult: 5Gap: 0.38
Swimming(50m Freestyle - Men)Semi-FinalsPerformance: 22.77Result: 6Placed: 15 of 72Gap: 1.14HeatsPerformance: 23.00 QResult: 5Gap: 0.58