Olympic Summer GamesAthens 2004Equestrian - Eventing(Individual - Open)Jumping QualifierPerformance: 4 J/PenResult: 29thPlaced: 29 of 75Cross CountryPerformance: 0 J/Pen - 0 T/Pen - 66.80 2 Day TotalResult: 35thDressage - Day 1Performance: 66.80 Penalty PointsResult: 61stEquestrian - Eventing(Team - Open)JumpingPerformance: 176.20Result: 5thPlaced: 5 of 14Day 1: 154.60 (6th) Day 2: 156.20 (6th) Day 3: 176.20 (5th)Cross CountryPerformance: 156.20Result: 6thDressage - Day 2Performance: 154.60Result: 6thDressage - Day 1Performance: 154.60 Penalty PointsResult: 6th
Equestrian - Eventing(Individual - Open)Jumping QualifierPerformance: 4 J/PenResult: 29thPlaced: 29 of 75Cross CountryPerformance: 0 J/Pen - 0 T/Pen - 66.80 2 Day TotalResult: 35thDressage - Day 1Performance: 66.80 Penalty PointsResult: 61st
Equestrian - Eventing(Team - Open)JumpingPerformance: 176.20Result: 5thPlaced: 5 of 14Day 1: 154.60 (6th) Day 2: 156.20 (6th) Day 3: 176.20 (5th)Cross CountryPerformance: 156.20Result: 6thDressage - Day 2Performance: 154.60Result: 6thDressage - Day 1Performance: 154.60 Penalty PointsResult: 6th