Commonwealth GamesManchester 2002Wrestling - Freestyle(55kg - Men)Performance: Total Classification points: 2, Total Technical poResult: 7th OverallPlaced: 7 of 8Performance: Classification points: 0, Technical points: 0, WarResult: LossPerformance: Classification points: 1, Technical points: 3, WarResult: LossPerformance: Classification points: 1, Technical points: 1, WarResult: Loss
Wrestling - Freestyle(55kg - Men)Performance: Total Classification points: 2, Total Technical poResult: 7th OverallPlaced: 7 of 8Performance: Classification points: 0, Technical points: 0, WarResult: LossPerformance: Classification points: 1, Technical points: 3, WarResult: LossPerformance: Classification points: 1, Technical points: 1, WarResult: Loss
Olympic Summer GamesSydney 2000Wrestling - Freestyle(54kg - Men)Placed: 18 of 19Wrestling - Freestyle(Freestyle Bantamweight - Men)Placed: 18 of 19