Olympic Summer GamesParis 2024Football(Football - Women)Performance: 0-1Result: LossPlaced: 10 of 12Half Time: 1-1 Goal: K.Taylor 42'
Football(Football - Women)Performance: 0-1Result: LossPlaced: 10 of 12Half Time: 1-1 Goal: K.Taylor 42'
Olympic Summer GamesRio 2016Football(Football - Women)Performance: 0-3Result: LossPlaced: 9 of 12(Bowen, Duncan, Erceg, Gregorius, Hassett, Hearn, Longo, Nayler, Pereira, Percival, Riley, Stott, White, Wilkinson)
Football(Football - Women)Performance: 0-3Result: LossPlaced: 9 of 12(Bowen, Duncan, Erceg, Gregorius, Hassett, Hearn, Longo, Nayler, Pereira, Percival, Riley, Stott, White, Wilkinson)