Fast facts
- Sport
- Hockey
- Birth place
- Whangarei
- Born
- 1975
- Height
- 167cm
Hockey(Hockey - Women)
- Bronze Medal Match
Performance: 0-0
Result: loss
Placed: 4th
halftime 0-0;
fulltime 0-0;
after extra time 0-0
New Zealand lost 1-3 on penalty strokes, Michelle Hollands scored the first but Frances Kreft, Stacey Carr and Kayla Sharland missed
- Semi Final - 1st Pool WB vs 2nd Pool WA
Performance: 0-1
Result: loss - Preliminary Rounds - ENG vs NZL
Performance: 4-0
Result: win - Preliminary Rounds - CAN vs NZL
Performance: 3-0
Result: win
Half time 1-0 (NZL); Goalscorers - K Sharland, K Forgesson, L Igasan, - Preliminary Rounds - BAR vs NZL (Pitch 2)
Performance: 11-0
Result: win
1st half 4-0, 2nd half 7-0, Goals: FORGESSON (3), DILLON, IGASAN, MALEY, HARRISON(3), HOLLANDS - Preliminary Rounds - NZL vs SCO
Performance: 2-1
Result: win
Hockey(Hockey - Women)
- Classification 5-6
Performance: 3-0
Result: Loss
Placed: 6 of 10
Halftime: 0-1 - Classification 5-8
Performance: 3-2
Result: Win
Halftime: 2-0
Fulltime: 2-2
Extra Time: 3-2 - Preliminaries - Pool A
Performance: 3-2
Result: Win
Halftime: 1-2 - Preliminaries - Pool A
Performance: 0-3
Result: Loss
Halftime: 0-1 - Preliminaries - Pool A
Performance: 0-2
Result: Loss
Halftime: (0-1) - Preliminaries - Pool A
Performance: 0-2
Result: Loss
Halftime: 0-1
Hockey(Hockey - Women)
- Qualifying Round
Performance: 1-7
Result: Loss
Placed: 6 of 10 - Qualifying Round
Performance: 2-2
Result: Draw - Qualifying Round
Performance: 0-3
Result: Loss - Qualifying Round
Performance: 1-0
Result: Win - Qualifying Round
Performance: 3-4
Result: Loss - Qualifying Round
Performance: 1-1
Result: Draw - Qualifying Round
Performance: 2-0
Result: Win
Hockey(Hockey - Women)
- Bronze Medal Match
Performance: 3-0
Result: Win
Placed: 3rd
Goalscorers: Anna Lawrence, Tina Bell-Kake, Lisa Walton - Semi Final
Performance: 3-7
Result: Loss - Pool B - Match 5
Performance: 4-1
Result: Win
Goalscorers: Mandy Smith (Barker), Lisa Walton, Skippy McGregor (Hamahona), Robyn Matthews
NZL finish 2nd in Pool Play - Pool B - Match 4
Performance: 2-1
Result: Win
Goalscorers: Mandy Smith (Barker) (2), Robyn Matthews - Pool B - Match 3
Performance: 5-1
Result: Win
Goalscorers: Kate Trolove (Bowden) (2), Tina Bell-Kake, Lisa Walton, Anna Lawrence - Pool B - Match 2
Performance: 15-1
Result: Win
Goalscorers: Tina Bell-Kake (6), Anna Lawrence (3), Mandy Smith (Barker) (3), Kate Trolove (Bowden) (2), Suzie Pearce (Muirhead) - Pool B - Match 1
Performance: 0-1
Result: Loss